Dagens tips måndag 2024-03-25 (Extra4)

A CIA Terror Attack in Moscow and a War with Russia and China?

"Is the world facing multiple conflicts with the potential use of nuclear weapons, wars spanning Europe, Russia, The United States and China? The political analyst Germán Gorraiz Lopez seems to believe that among many other voices in the geopolitical debate.

By Germán Gorraiz Lopez, Political analyst

The father of the Argentine Constitution, Juan Bautista Alberdi, in his work “The Crime of War” (1870), states:

“There can be no just war because there is no judicious war. War is the temporary loss of judgment”.

However, the Anglo axis would be preparing a triple war scenario that would cover practically the totality of terrestrial cartography and would be triggered simultaneously in the spring and summer of 2024, leaving Latin America as an islet in a muddy ocean, which avowed goal of the globalists led by George Soros and the Open Society Foundation (OSF) would be the implementation of the New World Order (NWO).

This would imply the recovery of the US role as world police following the Brzezinski Doctrine."

Om detta är korrekt så är det faktiskt i linje med förra artikeln och vi har all anledning att vara oroliga. Vill man driva fram ett tredje världskrig? Sverige ligger då dåligt till med Nato-medlemskap och ännu sämre till med ett eventuellt godkänt DCA-avtal.

Läs vidare på NewsVoice. 

